Weight Loss Story: This 22-year-old Girl Supriya Gupta has lost a whopping 21 kilos in only 4 months and completely transformed herself. Here’s what she has to say about her experience with Ask Your Diet.


“Hi team Ask Your Diet, I really want to thank you for all the support you have given me during the whole process of losing weight. I started the first consultation in April this year and have already lost 21 kilos in 4 months. This journey has been more than weight loss for me. I’ve been able to find the root of my binge eating disorder and progress towards recovery through healthy cooking! AYD has given me the tools I’ve needed to lose over 20 kilos and cope with emotions in a healthy way rather than binge eating. I keep coming back! Thank you AYD.” Supriya said.


“I appreciate the AYD team’s genuine care for me and professional approach that helped me achieve my goals. I am healthier, more fit and more educated as a result of my AYD experience.” I would HIGHLY recommend Ask Your Diet to those who are ready to take back control of their lives and become more in tune with themselves, the relationships that I was able to form will be with me for the rest of my life, and many new FRIENDS shoulders to lean on when I need to. I owe a GREAT THANK-YOU TO EVERYONE AT AYD!!!!!!!!” Supriya said.

Get your customized diet plan today and lose weight as Ankita did. WhatsApp us at 9871875298 for more details.

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