Weight Loss Story: This 22-year-old girl Priyasha Agarwal from Guwahati, Assam has lost a humongous 30 kilos in only 8 months. Her story is the most inspirational one, especially for people battling medical problems. Here’s what she has to say about her experience with Ask Your Diet.


“Ask Your Diet had a profound effect on me. Your coaching has changed the way I eat and also the way I look at myself, I shop for food differently, I don’t binge, I really have control because of what you’ve taught me but know that it wasn’t just because of your knowledge in your field! you coached me when I was going through the worst period of my life and you showed me kindness that was beyond the “coaching” parameters shall we say… You were integral to my healing and you taught me lessons that I go back to every time I feel out of control, that’s amazing!! I’ve never told you this, but I thank you. You’ve changed an integral mechanism in me!! All because you are really special” Priyasha said


“Now that I have been without your services for a month or so, I’ve had a chance to reflect on the work you did with me to clean up my eating act. I truly believe that you made a big, positive, impact on my eating habits in a relatively short period of time. I have come to think of your program as one that teaches eating awareness, not food deprivation.” She said.


“You were always patient, never chided, and gave me the confidence to know that when I stray from good habits. I learned that by making small adjustments, I could continue to enjoy foods that I liked, thereby avoiding the dreaded eating splurge. Thanks for being a good friend. Thanks a lot, Ask Your Diet.” Priyasha said


Priyasha was battling with some serious medical problems when she joined Ask Your Diet program and needed immediate help. Her motivation and dedication towards the program have been exemplary and are quite visible from her results.


So, what are you waiting for? Get your customized diet plan today! WhatsApp us at 9871875298, email: askyourdiet@gmail.com


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